Seek the Lord while he may be found: Call upon him while he is near

Isaiah 55:6


In a field there is a mist rising from the ground. It gives off a delightful fragrance which is beckoning people to it. The people who respond to the call are transformed. Cares fall off shoulder, worries evaporate leaving people feeling weightless and joyful. The mist allows people privacy to interact with it as they will, without feeling self conscious or observed. Some dance wildly, others sway gently, while others kneel or lay down. Whatever feels most appropriate to each they do in space and time. 

The transformation is going deeper as the people stay longer. It goes down into their person, unlocking dreams, showing paths, healing hurts. 

The mist will lift but when it does people will be changed, equipped, empowered to begin a new phase. The sweet memory of the mist will energize them on the hard days and keep them seeking for its reappearance. 

A new thing is coming. When you feel the sudden call respond. Make the effort, it will be transformational. 

