Seek the Lord while he may be found: Call upon him while he is near

Isaiah 55:6


There is a person walking on their path of life. There are times when the way is easy and times when it is not, but always when this person is on the path there is a refreshing mists around them. This mist gives him strength to traverse what he could not on his own, it comforts him in times of extreme heat and pressure. The mist is the will of God. 

This person has recently come to a fork in the road. One direction led up a steep, narrow, treacherously rocky path while the other was wide which allowed for more than one to walk abreast, it was smooth and slightly sloping downward. An easy choice, with no hesitation he went down the pleasant path. 

He wasn’t on it long when mosquitoes, gnats, and flies began to pester him. Though it is an easier path something is wrong about it. He does not feel like himself. 

Look around are you experiencing the mist. If not retrace your steps to the crossroad and consider the harder, steeper path. Stay in the mist no matter where is leads you. It is easier to traverse the most difficult moments in life with God than take the easy way without Him. 


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