Seek the Lord while he may be found: Call upon him while he is near

Isaiah 55:6

The Importance of Silverware

God showed me a vision of myself at a great spiritual feast, but lass I had no silverware. This left me only the finger foods. I was missing out on much that was available.

Taking that word to heart I was prayed up and expectant as I entered the very next church service. During worship God showed me a comical vision of my spirit man enjoying the feast with GREAT enthusiasm. That entire service i found powerful and impactful. I believe that each service I attend can be the same, but it is up to me to be prepared with my silverware.

A few days later, I was struggling with some extremely negative thoughts. God spoke to me with another vision. I saw a delicious dessert offered to me. This represented the negative thoughts which were clearly not from God. If I choose to entertain them and enjoy the dessert it would feel satisfying for a moment but instantly turn bitter after it was consumed. God said know where your food is coming from.

As I considered all these things, God spoke more truth. Whatever you eat, either from His table or from the enemy’s hand, your breath will reflect it. If you eat the enemies’ food your breath (words) will smell bitter to those who experience them. If you eat from His table your breath will have a life giving fragrance.

Three Shakings
