Seek the Lord while he may be found: Call upon him while he is near

Isaiah 55:6

Open the Windows

I saw a woman living in a completely dark house. The the blinds and curtains have been drawn for a long time. It felt close, overly warm and the air was old. The woman had been hurt and afraid when she closed herself in but this has lasted too long, it’s time to open the windows and let fresh air circulate. 

The woman is convinced that her house is a wreck and needs to be put in order before she can take any steps to letting light in. The problem with that is though her eyes are adjusted to the dark she cannot really see to clean. She believes if she pulling back the curtains a tiny bit that she will be exposing herself and her mess to the entire world. That feeling of exposure has paralyzed her. 

I feel like God is saying to this person-take courage. Your house is not in the state of disorder that you believe. The enemy has been whispering lies that you are except as your own thoughts. You’ve been alone in the dark too long. Take the first step of faith, open the curtains. The light filtering through the blinds will immediately reveal the lies of the enemy when you discover the state of your house is not in ruins. There is cleaning that needs to happen but it is manageable. The world will not see you exposed with your blinds still closed. It will be just you and the light to straighten what needs attention. The next step will be to pull back the blinds and actually open the window in order to let all the foul, stifling air out and the healthy, fresh air and sunshine in. 

