I see many young ladies standing in a line. A man at the head of the line is placing on each person a price tag as they pass him. This tells them and others how much they are worth. How much time, how much love, how much faithfulness and how much effort they are worth. The man could represent our culture or a person of influence or something else entirely. Regardless prices are being assigned to girls at a young age.
I feel like God is saying exam yourself. If you feel like you’re wearing a price tag tear it off. You are of extraordinary worth. Strive to see yourself through God’s eyes, not through the eyes of our culture or the eyes of man, for they do not know your worth. Jesus ransomed you from sin and death that you might live a whole life with dignity, having no limitation on what your are capable of accomplishing.
You might have received your tag long ago and still believe it speaks the truth of your worth. It does not! Rip it off, you are so much more than what this world can see. Rip it off for your own sake as well as for the sake of your legacy. Our daughters and granddaughters are watching us.
“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old thing passed away; behold, new thing have come.”