I saw a family, one of it’s members was always causing a lot of trouble and uncomfortable moments. The rest of the family dislike being around her and felt weighed down after being in her presence.
I felt like God is saying ask Him why she is this way. Get God’s perspective on what is happening inside her.
I saw the same family member alone in the ocean, she was drowning. Whenever someone came near her she frantically pulled them down in order to save herself. She isn’t a disagreeable person but she feels like she is dying and is clawing people in her search for help.
You have the ability to help this family member but it will take a lot of effort and determination to maintain perspective on the internal struggle of this person. The right perspectives will supply you with genuine pity enabling you to endure her lashing out and her biting words. Don’t try to do this on your own, find support people to help. Take plenty of rest and time for yourself. Most importantly make sure you’re doing this in God’s strength and not your own.